“Another successful BlackPool Auction, this time part of the @PBWSummit and @parisnft_day, with over $50k collected for good causes!”

The BlackPool auction took place in Palais Brongniart, the former location of the Paris stock exchange.
“ARKE – RED” NFT sold for 2.2ETH
Paris 12 apr. 2022
“ARKE – Red” NFT Sold for 2.2 ETH in the auction organized by BlackPool at PBWS – Paris NFT Day, all the money going to the NGO WarChild.org.
@0xL0Ev is now officially the proud owner of this NFT, so many thanks to him for the NGO !

The NFT came with a beautiful SolidNFT print on metal plate 60x33cm.
Special thanks to Max & Clara and all the SolidNFT Team for the quality of their work & reactivity, to M & S.A.M and all the BlackPool team for their kindness & all their actions.

In my sculpting workflow I start with cube shapes on ZBrush and I remove quickly the symetry tool for avoid the “artificial feeling”. I place first muscles because of the pose, and not simply because “there is a muscle here”.

Working a bit more in details but keeping a raw aspect for having “argile sculpture feeling” and keep the strenght of the shapes

Last steps are about finalize the composition, rendering the animation and tweak lights & colors on After Effects.