Add Polygon & ARKES Token on Metamask
- Network Name: Polygon Mainnet
- RPC URL: https://polygon-rpc.com
- ChainID: 137
- Symbol : MATIC
$ARKES token address on Polygon : 0x0784d958ee09ff8e876a82d3c6e798912c0f0a11
Join the Discord
Discord is the center of the activity of $ARKES token, you can join here :
Staking $ARKES
Informations will be available in the first half of november 2021.
Liquidity POOL rewards
Informations will be available in the first half of november 2021.
Exclusive NFTs buyable with $ARKES
Exclusive NFTs will be available on Rarible & Opensea, and buyable exclusively with $ARKES token.
ARKE exclusive collection
What "series" are available for fullset collector role ?
- [CH] [001] to [010 or Booster]
Because CH010 is unique, CH010 Booster count as last card too - [OOS] [001] to [010]
- [TI] [001] to [010]
- [FA] [001] to [010]
- Track 1 to Track 10 of Arke musical project (Decentralized Album)
- Digital Sculptures [001] to [010]
- $ARKE excl. NFTs [001] to [010]
For validation of your role you must come on the Discord and claim your role on the #claim channel with the fullset in your Rarible collection, after verified you can sell it again on the secondary market if you want, you will keep the fullset collector role until next year (roles are reset every 1st January, next reset will be 1st January 2022).
About DISCORD and TIP.CC bot
Rewards are distributed principally on discord using TIP.CC bot, simply open a chat with it on discord to use commands :
$bal (or $bal ARKES) to know how many $ARKES you get
$withdraw to send your $ARKES on your ETH adress (be careful you will have gas fees on this step)

Contract address on Ethereum & Polygon address
Contract on Ethereum
Address on Polygon
BlackPool Auction, PBWS Paris
Paris 12 apr. 2022
“ARKE – Red” NFT Sold for 2.2 ETH in the auction organized by BlackPool at PBWS – Paris NFT Day, all the money going to the NGO WarChild.org.
@0xL0Ev is now officially the proud owner of this NFT, so many thanks to him for the NGO !