Distant Links Part I & II

Special Artwork for Metaverse Summit, will be displayed on 2 screens on the event.
Auction open until Monday July 18th 2022
“ARKE – Red” NFT Sold for 2.2 ETH in the auction organized by BlackPool at PBWS – Paris NFT Day, all the money going to the NGO WarChild.org.
@0xL0Ev is now officially the proud owner of this NFT, so many thanks to him for the NGO !
Sold in auction for Charity at NFT Paris
The Metaverse
The Price Of Serenity
Sold for 1.6 ETH at the BlackPool auction for charity in Lisbon, all the money going to the association Action Enfance. @robsjre is now officially the proud owner of this NFT, so many thanks to him for the association !
Obscure (Tezos)
“Dark Side Of The World” Collection
The Dark Side of the World (DSW) is the second collection on the NiftyPlanet platform.